Monday 1 February 2010

More Celtic Reinforcements

I treated myself to a day off "Zama" and based these figures which were painted for me by chum Nick Speller around 6 months ago.


They are the third "open order" warband he has painted for me.  Most of my other celts are based 8 to a 6x6 base; these chaps are in 6's, have slightly smaller shields and are predoninately armed with javelins.  In C&C(A) I think of these as "Auxilia", with the others being "Warband". 

Figures are a mix of Black Tree, Renegade and Miniature Design Studios.


Secundus said...

It's like my old mum used to say..."You can never have too many Celts in ya warband"

BigRedBat said...

Indeed! I'm sure I'll pick up more celts, over time.

BTW Congrats on winning Greg's contest!

Game Master Rob Adams said...

My mom always said "A Celt away is a Celt drunk with lots of vigor and a battlecry to take on the.." ok she never said that but she would have had she know what a celt was.

Broeders said...

Like the one with a spear in his guts!

"Only a flesh wound lads...let's get into 'em!"

Some inspiration there for my 10mm Gallic warband!

BigLee said...

Very impressive. I wouldn't want to face them in battle.

Andrew said...

I should really get some Renegade Celts. They have such character and look so "celty."

BigRedBat said...

They are cracking value, too! Just need the swords fixing, and ideally soem of the shields. They are my favourite Celts.

AJ (Allan) Wright said...

That one fellow there is having a bad day. I like this unit very much!


I love Celts but support Rangers.

I like your grass, very tufty.

BigRedBat said...

Hi James bushier grass is because I've shifted to a longer fibre, after seeing Secundus using some a while back. Also I use Silflor...