Wednesday 25 January 2012

Wargames Drought Continues

I have been worked far too hard by my employers, and fear that it is now rather more than 3 months since my last wargame...   However I have had time for modelling and have bought more than a few minis (especially Napoleonics), and painted quite a few too.

I have been very taken by some pics that Keith at Aventine sent me this evening; really great-looking Praetorians; I'll be having some of these!  I've nicked a picture off their site, below.  Lovely minis, and the officers are even better. They are in the shop, here.

Normal service on this Blog will be resumed in due course...

Wednesday 11 January 2012

A Shwubbery

A big box arrived from my Scottish mate John Smillie just before all my relatives descended upon me at Xmas, and I have finally, belatedly and guiltily, got around to opening it.

John packs his models extremely carefully, in polystyrene, and these trees arrived in tip-top shape.

There was a whole forest in the box.  The trees are on twisted wire trunks, and mounted on pennies.  I'll mostly use these as fruit trees, I think.

My favourite is this lovely stand of trees with multiple trunks.  Thanks John!  If anyone wants any reasonably-priced, top notch trees drop me a line and I'll forward it to John.  Now John, cypresses....

I've not been posting here because (since Xmas) I've recently been posting on my other blog.  Don't worry, I will be back to ancients, in due course, once I've finished basing some of the other Napoleonic stuff that is nearly finished.