Monday 29 January 2018

Last call for the To the Strongest! Worlds

On Saturday 24th February 2018, the fourth "To the Strongest!" World Championships will take place in the village of Chalgrove in Oxfordshire- and there is still time and space for a few late entries!

We believe that "Worlds" is the largest 28mm big-battle ancient/medieval tournament in, well, the world. This year we expect to have up to 40 players from at least four countries who will each fight four battles using 28mm armies, to establish who is the World’s Strongest! 

The atmosphere is more good-natured than competitive; that said, the competition for the wooden spoon can be fierce. ;-) If you'd like to throw your hat in the ring, you can pick an ancient or medieval army from any of the 181 official "To the Strongest!" ancient and medieval lists, up to 130 points. If the list for your favourite 28mm historical army isn't already written, let me know and I will write the list for you. If you don't have a suitable 28mm army, I may be able to lend you one.

Wargames Foundry have very generously provided prizes for the winner, runners up and the best-painted army. There are also prizes for sportsmanship, amongst others- and, of course, the wooden spoon. The cost of entry is £9 (includes tea/coffee and biscuits). 

To register, please email steve.dover (at) 3dsystems (dot) com. Steve will send you out a template to enter your army. We will need to hear from you in the next few days….

PS- I will be bringing the Spartans above and hope to get four games in, myself!