My (temporary) diversion into fantasy has continued; the kids completed the Village of Hommlet after an epic final encounter, and now have buckets of treasure burning holes in their moneybags. Next, I'm toying with running a multi-level dungeon I wrote around '85. With 24 years perspective, it doesn't look bad at all; needs a little work, and I'd need to buy/paint a few more minis.
I must confess to having squandered the better part of 2 weeks refurbing/rebasing my D&D figures. Tonight I shall get back to Ancients!
Helpful posters on TMP let me know these are indeed RP sculpts by Tom Meier, but also that I will struggle to find the (rather collectable) other Drow minis the similar-scaled RP AD&D range.
3-stage Drow Elf? If I recall correctly.
Hi Hank, I think you are right. They are nice little minis. I'm keen to pick up some other drow with less armour and xbows, sometime.
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