...call for desperate measures; and to a Roman, few measures are more desperate than arming a bunch of slaves! Still, with a horde of Germans ravaging the Po valley it is time to offer these chaps the chance to earn their freedom in exchange for dangerous military service.

These desperate heroes were painted for me by the highly talented and extremely prolific Greg Privat; I then did some highlighting and basing. They actually depict later, EIR gladiators from the 69AD Civil War. The figures are a mix of Foundry and Crusader.

This is a progress shot of my Galatian unit. There is not a great deal of progress, because I have been struggling with The Mother of All Essays; now happily vanquished, but around half have a basecoat, and all have a thin coat of Ronseal.

These desperate heroes were painted for me by the highly talented and extremely prolific Greg Privat; I then did some highlighting and basing. They actually depict later, EIR gladiators from the 69AD Civil War. The figures are a mix of Foundry and Crusader.

This is a progress shot of my Galatian unit. There is not a great deal of progress, because I have been struggling with The Mother of All Essays; now happily vanquished, but around half have a basecoat, and all have a thin coat of Ronseal.
I like these guys, they all pride themselves on their fighting ability....but how will they work as a team? Better I hope than than the actual Gladiators did in AD68.
Lets hope they fight as good as their paint work! Nice unit.
I'd put my money on the Batavians, anyday... ;-)
Nice job Simon )
Nice job Greg!!
They look great! May I ask what you've basecoated / undercoated with?
Hi Trailape, sorry I missed your comment. I used the Halfords rust-red primer; this turns out to be a good base colour for nekkid minis.
Normally I paint over black, but there's no point in using black for a mass of flesh tones. They should look ruddy marvellous when complete!
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