Wednesday 19 July 2023

Very Late Romans

Here are two units of Early Imperial Romans that Shaun painted for me some 4-5 years ago. They've been waiting patiently in a storage box for their transfers and finishing, for far too long. They are mostly the old Foundry Saleh units, including some rare variants and some head swaps. The LBMS transfers are even older than the minis, and some of them have deteriorated- but I'm managing to salvage most of them. The yellow design is really super!

When these are completed and based, they will join the four-cohort vexillation, above. Eventually, I might take them up to a full legion in strength. I also need to do a 5th cohort of I Adiutrix, also shown above (from behind, in the blue gear).

One day I'd love to revisit the old Cremona game from Partizan in the Park and Salute- but rather larger....

1 comment:

Andrew Brentna said...

Nice work Simon, I vividly remember the Cremona game at Partizan in the park - best Partizan ever! Something about Imperial Romans that never palls.