I should at this point apologise that I don't have any figures from the marginally smaller ranges, such as 1stCorps or Gripping Beast; here at the BigRedBatCave, we only stock bigger 28s!
The largest figure of the four is the Renegade http://www.renegademiniatures.com/regrom.htm on the left; it would probably be even taller, if it was standing fully erect. The Aventine http://www.aventineminiatures.co.uk/ is the next tallest; I measure 27mm from the feet to the eyes; 30mm to where the top of the head would be. Marginally smaller is the Crusader mini http://www.crusaderminiatures.com/list.php?cat=13&sub=29&page=1 . The anachronistic Foundry Caesarian is a broadly similar size, and I've included it because the range will be familiar to many viewers.
I'd judge that sizewise Aventine, Crusader and Foundry would match each other well, however the Renegade miniature is in a class of its own, being both taller and different in style (the limbs are very awkwardly posed).
I'll conduct a proper review later on but would say now that my initial impressions of the Aventine miniatures are very favourable. Here's a link to Aventine in case you should want to see more... http://www.aventineminiatures.co.uk/ranges.html
Very helpful. Thanks.
Hi there Legatus; are you Zama-ing next year?
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