Sunday 11 June 2023


Above, today I've been racking the BigRedBatCave. The main cave is around 30' long by 6' high and should take a good few minis, although, I fear, by no means all of them. It should enable me to reduce the number of minis in the house, somewhat, to the relief of my beleaguered family.

I'm also working on a new project, of Teutonic bent. Here are some new standard bearers; mostly Foundry, some Black Tree. Later they will be joined by some Victrix. I'm trying to build in a lot of variety in the standards, and as many horns as I can find.


Akadeshuk said...

Your annual insurance bill must be horrendous!

Neil said...

Awesome storage space and capacity. I love the racks and their orderly storage boxes but am also impressed with the ladder. The dovetail construction bespeaks a quality I think you would be hard-pressed to find in the U.S.