Wednesday 28 June 2023

Portable Parthians

I have, perhaps unwisely, started another army. I have a gap for a lightweight ancient army that I can carry on the train to distant tournaments such as Britcon and Godendag or Glasgow. These are the horses from the Gripping Beast Cataphract set combined with (mostly) riders from the super Aventine Miniatures range. I'm experimenting with basecoats; a couple have gold and chrome primers, above.

Below, for a bit of a laugh, I'm trying the "nail varnish" metallic shades from my ScaleColour 75 boxes; paints I have never previously used, and, frankly, never expected to ever use.  They are really odd, but I have a feeling that they might just work. If they do work, there are some other even bolder colours I might try later on, some pinks and a green... it might become a very flamboyant army!


Powell said...

Hi Simon, they look great, my only concern is, the second picture shows the miniatures on huge bases. Unless the are taking steep hills around with them. Maybe, it’s they can shoot over woods?. Too soon.😂😂😂😂

Ray Rousell said...

Nice sculpts, they should look great with a lick of paint.

Bedford said...

I'd be really interested in any train travel solutions you may have Simon as I have exactly the same problem! In fact, I'm partially missing Britcon this year because of it :(

BigRedBat said...

Too soon, Andy. ;-)

Darrell magnetic bases, RUBs, it'll all go in a carryall with terrain, to boot!

Rob Young said...

An extra army is always a good thing unless it stops you doing something you 'have' to do on other armies. It's an extra poit of interest if you flag elsewhere. Though probably not a good idea to jump about as much as I tend to do :(