Monday 15 May 2023

Preparing for Partizan


I'm busy getting stuff ready for a slightly extended version of the big Salute Ipsus game, next Sunday at Partizan. This means adding some more units and tweaking the scenario. Mostly I need extra cavalry cavalry units; I'm doing whatever I can finish in time- some Greeks (actually Thebans) above and some Scythians below. They are just off to Ian for flocking, need tufts, too. There are also numerous Persians and Thessalians at other stages in the process.

I'm gradually re-modelling all my cavalry into units of 18 heavy and 10 lights. Much more grouting and flocking to follow!

If you are coming to Partizan on Sunday and would like to play in the big game, please drop me a line.


Ray Rousell said...

Looking forward to seeing your game Simon! See you on Sunday.

BigRedBat said...

...and you, Ray!