Monday 17 April 2023

Mustering for Ipsus

Today I've started the laborious process of mustering the troops for Ipsus at Salute. They are currently scattered in storage boxes throughout the house and cellar. I need to find all the minis, count them, and revise the OOB and battle plan accordingly (and urgently!). These are just over half the required boxes.

If you play To the Strongest!, I've just uploaded a new version of the Quick Reference Sheet, version 1.1F. You'll want it there are several important changes in the save modifier table. Download it now, don't let your oppo steal a march on you! It's here.


Chris Hahn said...

Cheers Simon,

Certainly, this preparation must be a labor of love.

Here's hoping Ipsus proves an incredible experience as well as garnering sufficient public attention if not also an award or two.

Here's hoping too, that someone takes the time to film an 8-10 minute video of your display.

Best of luck with the scenario!


dvdstr said...

What an amazing project Simon - hope you're getting help with transport & set-up & don't forget that cake tin! Can't wait to see the photos 👍 Dave

Gonsalvo said...

Downloaded the updated QRS which I will likely use to revise my own custom version). . Timely, too, as 3 of us are planning on running multiple games with TTS at Historicon in July.