Thursday 21 March 2013

More Agemata, and Bathroom WIP

I've been plugging away with the Agemata; the whole unit is now on the painting table.  These Foundry minis are such a delight to paint, and are coming on very quickly!  The current batch (front) need another 3 or 4 sessions, so I should be able to start basing in around a week's time.  I really want to paint their plumes red, right now, but am saving them to last because there is a danger that the red will come off in handling, leaving white windows.  

I've also been working on the rules and Raphia army lists in the background... 

On the domestic front we have been getting our bathroom rebuilt.  Unfortunately this has revealed problems with our old house, and the entire interior wall of the room has been demolished (below), so we now have a unique and interesting open-plan bathroom.  The disruption means no gaming for a week or so.  A plus, though, is that I will have additional wargaming storage built in when it is all put back together, and there should be space for some 5' terrain boards, which I've long coveted.


Steve h said...

looking great!

Dalauppror said...

Greate painted pike men !

I hope your rebuild work out fine in the end !

best regards Michael

DHC Wargames said...

Minis are looking lovely.

Egarding the bathroom... Been there, too. Last year a two day remodelling of our kitchen turned into a two and a half week afair (wch raised its ugly head again last weekend but has been dealt with).

Prufrock said...

An open plan bathroom? It sounds appropriately Graeco-Roman ;-) Good luck with both projects!

Silver Whistle said...

Life gets in the way of painting sometimes but you still manage to produce a huge amount of painted figures.

BigRedBat said...

Hi Aaron, yes it is a bit like the one in Pompeii!

The bathroom is coming on apace. My phalanx is coming on, too, but rather more slowly...