A couple of days hard painting; yet it doesn't look a lot different to the last photo! I've painted hair (head and elsewhere...) and black-primed areas that will later be metallic. Next I need to paint straps, boots and plumes, and think about using a wash.
As part of my time saving objective I've decided that I'll paint metallics on after varnishing. This will enable me to spray gloss and then matt the figures, rather than needing to use a brush.
I must say I'm enjoying painting a unit in one go. I usually paint in groups of 5-8 minis; it's a nice change to see an entire unit shaping up together. I hope I'll have this unit finished in around a week.
Coming on strong! I like the way you've converted a few with different heads. I always think tailor made units are the most satisfying to paint and have a unique character all of their own.
They seems a bit "pallish" (now the question is does thios word mean anything in english).
Yes Secundus, lots of head swaps. I'm particularly pleased with the carnyx-bearer who is a Foundry Greek with a Caesarian Roman head and a Warlord Games horn. I also used your tutorial to add some cloaks to the unit; they were wuick to do, and quite effective.
Hi Greg- they aren't actually that pale; it's a bright, sunny morning here, and I bogged up the photo. Also, they are going to have a wash over at the end. As they are a unit of practising naturists, working in a sunny mediterranean country, I'll be sure to give them a tan!
Stunning work. The red primer idea is brilliant!
Thanks Allan! I'll be posting an update today; they are approaching completion....
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