Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Celtathon V

I've been posting less, of late, on account of all the basing I've been doing for my Mancetter 61CE Salute game. 

Above are the warbands for the game. The sharp-eyed will observe that five bases are still "blank" - I have just completed the 175 required minis but not yet based them. 

Here's a closeup. Each warband consists of around 36 minis (so there will be 650 in all). The minis are a mixture of all the larger Celtic ranges, particularly Renegade, Black Tree, A&A and Foundry. Many are conversions. Most were painted by Shaun McTague or Nick Speller, with some by Shaun Watson. I did some snagging and many of the shields. The bases are grouted and primed and, in a few cases, partially flocked. There's a heck of a lot of flocking to be done...

Here is a closeup of many of the blank bases. Each unit has two- a TtS!20F and a TtS!20G that fits across the back and can be angled or turned about to indicate disorder. You'll see I've chamferred the edges to give them a nice low profile, fitted magnets into the holes and primed them in an earth shade.

The slingers are mostly done, too, and you can see them here. The laager and the chariots are all complete. All in all, there should be around 900 Britons on the table, and perhaps 600 Romans. In the finest traditions of Salute, the glue will still be drying on the road to Excel!

If you are coming to Salute and would like to play in one of the two games (10AM and 2PM), please drop me an email at the address above left, and I will book you in. I also have a couple of free tickets that I can give to people familiar with TtS! who can play/help to run the games. I hope to see lots of you there! I won't be selling at Salute but if you'd like to buy anything from the BigRedBatshop now, and collect at Salute, that's fine- just let me know and I will refund your postage.


RichardM said...


That is quite amazing in scale.

Having been lucky enough to be at Salute the last two years and having seen a 'Soggy Bottom', I am disappointed not be able to get there this year.


BigRedBat said...

Sorry you can't make it! it should be good- four yards of warband and four yards of skirmishers- only two yards of laager, though. :-)

Independentwargamesgroup said...

I like the fact you measure your troops in good old imperial measures.It beats counting the odd figure. The battle should be spectacular.

BigRedBat said...

Hi Robbie, I'm of that age that I have one foot in the Empire and one in the metric era. :-)

Andrew Brentna said...

Do the two yards of laager come with a packet of crisps?

Gonsalvo said...

It's raining Celts and Druids!

Friends Of General Haig said...

The celts look and sound awesome! Looking forward to seeing them in person at Salute. Out of interest, do you start setting up on the Friday, or do it all early on Saturday?

BigRedBat said...

Thanks all.

General Haig- yes I always set up on the Friday, then, on the Saturday, I have an hour or so to do my errands before the doors open.

Friends Of General Haig said...

Ah, that is good to know Simon. I will try and grab a look on the Friday if I can get set up in time! Looks like you're at GA12 so quite a walk. I'll be at the other end :-)

BigRedBat said...

Blimey- I'm right by the entrance! It'll be busy busy busy.