Friday 28 June 2013

Caesarians WIP

I've not posted this week, because I've been busy gaming and painting.  

The paint-ees are above; 4 more cohorts of Caesarians, now partially based.  The minis were painted by Nick Speller, some by me and some repainted from eBay.  They blend nicely.

The game was with local mates Ian, Dr. Simon and Jay, and eldest Miller scion Harry.  We tried yet another rule-set I've written; this time a set of ancients rules on a single side of A4.  These "lite" rules enable a game to be played in around 90 minutes.  So far they seem very promising... and rather fun.


  1. ohhh a game? We want some pics, otherwise there is no proof ;)

  2. These chaps are certainly looking the part!

    Cheers, Ross

  3. No photos this time, I'm afraid, sebastofig; I was in a rush. Hopefully we'll play again next week.

    Thanks Roma!

  4. I like them!! 96 painted Romans!! Foundry Romans are a real beauty!! Looking forward to seeing another of your huge battles!!

  5. How big are you modeling your cohorts Simon?

  6. Hi Jim, they are all 24-man. These are cohorts 23 through 26, and I hope to add 1 or 2 more before my games in September.

    Cheers, Simon

  7. Looking impressive.

  8. Thanks Pat. Couldn't face flocking them, tonight, so I started on the minis I need to finish, in order to field 2 more cohorts.

  9. Looking good!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.