Sunday 23 June 2013

Even more Romans...

As I move steadily towards the basing stage on my Caesarians, my mind is turning to another project; an Early Imperial Army, with a twist.

I've been buying up odd lots of Perry Romans, on eBay, and must now have a couple of hundred, all told.   The below are mostly from a single purchase, last week; a nice lot.

I have formulated a cunning plan for a project involving them, which will be the subject of a later post (and hopefully, in due course, a magazine article...).

Unusually today, I am sat in the executive lounge of the Antwerp Hilton and have a solid 9 hours to plug away at adding diagrams to my "To the Strongest!" wargames rules.   


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.