Thursday 7 September 2023

Updated TtS! Medieval Army Lists published and all the latest TtS! events.

I've latest version of the Medieval Army List eBook and latest news (at the bottom).  This 150-list, 293 page edition now includes six new lists:

  • Rshtuni Armenian
  • Bagratid Armenian
  • Tulunid/Iqshidid Egyptian
  • Daylamite Dynasties
  • Bulgar (moved from the Ancient eBook)
  • Early Byzantine (moved from the Ancient eBook)

The next Ancient Army List eBook will come out at the end of October and will be a Late Antiquity Special, with several new Late Antiquity Germanic lists and a lot of additional material added to the Gothic, Ostrogothic, Saxon, Frankish and Vandal lists. 

We have a very busy Q4 ahead, positively bursting with TtS! Events:

  • At Colours in Newbury on Saturday I'll be running Second Mantinaea- please drop by and say hello, or even come and join in! We are upstairs near the B&B.
  • On Monday evening I'll be on the Plastic Crack Podcast, no doubt explaining why Renaissance isn't finished.  :-/   
  • On September 16th we have the Chalgrove tournament- good luck to all the players!
  • Also on September 16th (diary clash!), I'll be talking about the location of the Battle of Ceresole, 1544 at the Helion Tudor Warfare conference in Birmingham.
  • We have a spare table for the annual TtS! Open tournament in Edmonton, North London, on Saturday 13th October. If you think you might like to come, please email me and I'll put you in touch with the player who had to withdraw.
  • Tickets have just gone on sale for Two The Strongest!, our first ever doubles tournament, in Central London in November. This We have a limited number of tables so I recommend early booking!   

Last but not least, some of you must have already encountered Yarkshire Gamer's World Cup of Historical Wargames Rules on Facebook. For King and Parliament fell (after a valiant fight) in the Quarter finals, thankd for all your votes. Astonishingly, To the Strongest! will shortly be pitted against Sharp Practice in the semi finals! Sharp Practice is a very popular (and by all accounts a very good) set of rules, and TtS! will need every vote that it can get to remain in contention... so please help us with a vote when it goes live.

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Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.