Thursday 20 September 2012

More Auxiliaries, WIP

In the interests of breaking a recent slump in my posting, here are the early stages of my seventeenth auxiliary cohort.  They were underway before Partizan, and, although I currently need another cohort of auxiliaries like a fish needs a bicycle, I want to wrap them up and clear the painting table.

The nicely painted command figures are from the batch Legatus sold me; most of the rest came from a batch of dreadfully painted miniatures I foolishly bought on eBay.  I've blocked in most of the base colours, and they were coming on very quickly until I got distracted by another project, of which more, tomorrow....


  1. Already looking good, Simon! And a new project? Will check in tomorrow...


  2. With all these units you keep adding, you must be way ahead with the arms race.

  3. Thanks chaps!

    SW, when one's collecting both sides for a Civil War, one never gets very far ahead!


  4. They're looking good. Who makes them?

  5. Hi FMB, to a man they are from the Black Tree range. The Black Tree Roman Auxilia are nice minis, and very resonable, when one of their regular sales is on.

  6. You really are getting me to think about doing some more Romans again!

  7. Has to be done, Legatus, has to be done. I find it hard to make myself paint anything else...


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.