Monday 17 September 2012

I Adiutrix Completed

At Partizan, I was so pleased with the look of my newish ex-marine legion that I decided to expand it from 80 to 99 men, and I've just finished it; 'av a click!

I'm going to work towards all my legions being the same size, which I think will work well with the scale of battles I'm planning, which often featured 6 or more legions.  Accordingly I'm planning to expand my "big" XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix to 12 x 24 man units so that it can represent 3 legions on the above scale, and I plan to collect 4 more fresh legions, so that I can field 8 legions in total.  Collecting 460 more legionaries will clearly take a year or two!

I've also started work on a new project, which (unbelievably!) includes Wargames Factory minis...


  1. Looks very impressive. Where´s the hero? ;-D

  2. Hi Paul,

    I'm casting around for a suitable mini; I have one possible miniature in mind...

    Ideally though, I'd really like to get my hands on a copy of the Warlord Games miniature that came out with Hail Caesar, he'd be perfect.


  3. Beautiful work, Simon, and very impressive. What rules do you use for your ancients? I really like the mass of these units you produce...

  4. Hi Curt, I've used Hail Caesar and Augustus to Aurelian rules (also Simon MacDowell's Legio rules). Am most familiar with the former.

    I want to run really big games with >1500 minis, and I've not found rules that will support anything that big, within the difficult constraints of a show, so I am trying to write some simple rules myself. This is at least twice as hard as writing complex rules. I have a draft, still needs a lot of work, though.

    Cheers, Simon

  5. Very nice and great shade of blue!


  6. Stellar work, Simon. a most impressive-sized unit.


  7. Excellent looking units and formidable plans for the future.


  8. very cool they do look very impressive in all their eglory


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.