Saturday 14 July 2012

Mon Big Parade

Figgybloggy Greg organises an annual parade of miniatures to coincide with Bastille Day.  It only just dawned on me that today is the very day!  Vive la France!

Last year I posted my Early Imperial Roman Legion, and today I've decided to parade my mostly-new auxiliary forces in front of my newish buildings from Paul Darnell.  The pics aren't my best ever, but they do give an impression of what I'm up to.

Above are the 13 cohorts of auxiliaries, the ex-marines of I Adiutrix and my first Ala of Auxiliary cavalry.  This is clickable!

Above front left, two British Cohorts, and front-right two German.  Behind them are the newly-prromoted marines of I Adiutrix.

Front left, beyond the tribunal, are two cohorts of Batavians, and behind them their cavalry contingent.  Front right are a cohort of Dalmatians and one of Noricans, and behind them Ala Siliana. 

Above left are two cohorts of Gauls, and behind them, their cavalry contingent.   Front right are a cohort of Raetians, and behind them a cohort of Roman Citizens and finally beyond them a cohort of Palmyran archers.

Finally, below a blurry shot of a very nice reviewing stand that I bought from Paul Darnell.

Next year, hopefully I'll stage a rather smaller but no doubt very shiny parade of Praetorians and associated troops.


  1. Brilliant! A superb show of strength.

  2. Blimey!!! I thought you must have quite a few and seeing them all in one place is impressive.
    I missed it this time around. Oh well...give me time to increase the army for next year.

  3. Thats alot of Romans. Very impressive

  4. Lol,you truly are a madman!! but I take my hat of to you,and would go so far as to state you may be KING of the madmen!TRULY inspiring collection you've got going on there Simon.Your work and blog,and pics inspire me,and I'm sure countless more.WELL DONE

  5. A fantastic line up and a very nice vicus for them to spend their hard earned denarii in.
    Regards HGA.

  6. Thanks all! Paul, that's not all of them, just the support troops. ;-)

    The army is really coming together at last, and another 6-8 months should see it reach "critical mass", at which point I'll be able to lay on some decent-sized games.

    Cheers, Simon

  7. Now that looks impressive!

    An just the support troops - lol

    Paul your buildings look great in the background as well!

  8. that's a very impressive parade!
    the number and the quality of the painting of all those "little soldiers" is awesome!
    I like a lot the tribune !
    Bravo and "Vive la Révolution!"

  9. Stunning work !! Looking realy impressive !

    best regardes Michael

  10. My word, only the support troops. I salute you sir.

  11. Awesome! 8)

    Well done.


  12. Thanks very much, all! Simon

  13. now, it's time to vote!!
    it's not easy...

    yours is very impressive!


  14. Very nice romans, quantity and quality...and the tribune is great!

  15. It is very impressive, and very nice.

  16. Lovely! I actually meant to contribute a parade of my own this year, but completely forgot :) It's probably a good thing, as yours put my own feeble efforts to shame, and long may they continue to do so!


  17. Hi Aaron, I forgot too, but saw a post about Bastille Day and just about managed to pull it together! I very much liked the big Ork parade, with the flypast.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.