Tuesday 17 July 2012

Desperately Seeking Salehs

As part of my continuing Early Imperial Roman project, I’m after as many of the Wargames Foundry Early Imperial Romans as I can lay my hands on (especially the Auxilia with the oval shields).  I wonder whether any of you have any, spare, in your lead mountains?  The Saleh miniatures are the ones with the cast-on shields (see below, legionary centre in top photo, or auxiliaries on the flanks in the bottom photo), and are larger than the other Foundry Perry range.  They are going to look like hulking brutes if you are collecting Warlord or the smaller Perry range...

I’d be happy to buy, or swap for miniatures from my own substantial and varied lead mountain.  Unpainted would be good, but will also look at painted ones.  If you have any, do please drop me a line at the email address on the front page of the blog!


  1. I *think* you already have all of mine!

  2. I think I may have! :-)

    They used to come up on eBay every few weeks, but I've not seen any decent ones for months, and for the first time, have every last Auxiliary painted. Still have 250 legionaries, though. :)

  3. I have seventeen painted and nineteen unpainted. Very happy to sell...

  4. Sounds good Legatus, drop me an email!

    Cheers, Simon

  5. I will have a look through my pile but I think they are all Perry sculpts, although I have sent a note to a bud in Canberra who may have some...

    Sunny Australia

  6. Many do you need? I know I have a "pile" of them undercoated somewhere,mainly (I think) in the static poses,standing,or advancing like you prefer,as well as 30 unopened blisters of legionaries and same with auxiliaries.So thats 240 EACH PLUS there should be (more or less) 4 additional command for them.
    Did mention these too you a while back.However have you had a look at the Wab SITE, THERES BEEN A GLUT OF THESE COME UP FOR SALE LAST FEW WEEKS!.

  7. Many do you need? I know I have a "pile" of them undercoated somewhere,mainly (I think) in the static poses,standing,or advancing like you prefer,as well as 30 unopened blisters of legionaries and same with auxiliaries.So thats 240 EACH PLUS there should be (more or less) 4 additional command for them.
    Did mention these too you a while back.However have you had a look at the Wab SITE, THERES BEEN A GLUT OF THESE COME UP FOR SALE LAST FEW WEEKS!.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.