Wednesday 13 June 2012

Not my Middle Imperial Romans

These figures were splendidly painted by Richard Tartt, who has kindly sent me photos that I could post on t'Blog.  They are of some of the beautiful A&A Miniatures range sculpted by Adam Smith (now of Aventine Miniatures).  

 The armoured archers have bags of character, and are beautifully painted, with added bowstrings.

I think these are from the A&A 4th Century Range.  I do love the scale armour.

Finally some archers supporting some more legionaries.  I like the red-painted rawhide edging on these shields, an idea to nick!   ;-)   Richard's basing style is very effective.

Thanks for the lovely photos, Richard!

If anyone else who doesn't run their own blog, would like me to host pictures of their ancients minis, please do drop me an email at the address above.  Cheers, Simon


  1. Excellent. Painting some A&A's at the moment as well. The bow strings are a nice touch, but perhaps too much a hassle for myself.
    Thanks for sharing (or hosting that is).


  2. Superb! Love the face armour and scale mail - quality!


  3. Thanks for posting these, Simon. The rawhide shield edges look really good - might to nick that idea...

  4. They look great Simon, thanks for putting them up. Shall send some other project pics if you like later.

  5. Indeed they are nice! He should start his own blog if he hasn't already.


  6. Lovely paintwork! And well done him for attaching bows strings :-D

  7. Thanks all, they are great, aren't they? I'm going to have to order some of those red shield transfers and try the red shield edges with them, myself.

    Cheers, Simon

  8. The chaps with the bows are superb.

  9. Those are great looking, and painted, figures. I like this range by A&A. They look so purposeful and stout. Best, Dean

  10. Some beautiful figures, love the bowmen!

  11. Just had a good look at these A&A Romans. I like the idea of the red rewhide sheild edges,and it would save me a lot of grief as I hate painting the edges of sheilds,BUT whats the logic behind them, and without hopefully looking stupid,or ignorant any evidence for them?

  12. Hi Gordon, Dr Phil Hendry put me on to it. IIRC the Dura shields had rawhide edges.

    Presumable the wet rawhide contracted, when dry, to make a nice taut edge to the shield and was also, I think, stitched into place.

    I think it is naturally a buff or off-white colour, but presumably would take paint well.

    Cheers, Simon

  13. Hoo hoo,going to be digging out my red paint then!! sheild edges =no issues anymore for me then!!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.