Wednesday 13 June 2012

Coh. I et II Gallorum Eq.

I've finished Cohort I Gallorum, and the repaint/rebase of Cohort II and the Equites (mounted contingents) of both cohorts.  I scruffed the shields up a bit, too.  All pics clickable!

Below is a view of the cohorts from the rear.  These are cohorts of Gauls, and accordingly I've tried to give each a mild gallic flavour with boar and cockerel standards, and chequered cloaks.

Below is a closeup of the cloaks, I gave around 1/3 chequers.  I also went with different shades of metal in the helmets and muddy cloaks.

All the minis at Black Tree, and are not too shabby, given a little careful painting.

These are part of my continuing auxilia project- I'm now up to 10 auxiliary cohorts, more than half of what I need to re-fight some of the larger battles of 69/70AD.  Hopefully I'll have these and a few more cohorts to parade on Bastille Day (for Greg's Big Parade).  I'm currently working on an ala of cavalry.


  1. Mmmmm, looking good.........the cloaks are a nice touch.

  2. Great looking figs. I like you bases too and how you inscribed the unit name on the base. Very cool!

  3. A great work, those cohorts are really impressive!

  4. Beautiful work! I also really like the inscription you do on your bases. How is done?

  5. Thanks all!

    Curt, I lay a thin layer of greenstuff over the back of the base, and scribe the letters in. Once painted, I dribble a littel brown ink in. Tricky bit is to get the latin right!

    Cheers, Simon

  6. Great looking unit; they have uniform appearance, but upon closer look there are a lot of subtle and nicely painted differences. Best, Dean

  7. Look great Simon good idea with the green stuff!

  8. they're looking great a nice addition to your ever growing forces

  9. Looking good! One can really see that this is where your main interest lies... you are getting these done far faster then Napoleonics! (Not meant as criticism!)

  10. Chanks chaps!

    Burkhard, the difference is that the Romans paint themselves, whereas the Naps are something of a chore. I don't know why that is... but a break painting Naps has certainly recharged my ancients batteries!

    Cheers, Simon


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.