Friday 22 January 2010

Bruttians on bases

Here's a progress shot on the Bruttians, that Greg Privat painted and I've detailed.  The observant will notice that only half are here; the remaining 24 are awaiting the Aventine and Crusader reinforcements that will turn them into two units.

They now have shields added, but still need some matt varnishing and of course base texturing.  I've taken some images from Bruttian coinage (the lionhead and pegasi), other images are generic LBMS and VVV Greek  and Roman transfers.  After chatting with Allen I decided to give the unit  a mix of Scuta and Aspis shields, and relatively short spears.  The pic is clickable...


  1. Do you varnish before or after basing? Or atleast before texturing?

  2. Hi Consul, I gloss varnish and then matt varnish before basing, it's a lot harder afterwards! Even so, I think I spent 3 or 4 hours putting the matt varnish on 48 figures.

    In this case, only the shields need matt varnishing (I added them after varnishing the minis).

    ps am just about to post your minis and bases.

  3. Hi Simon, they're really beginning to come together as units. I like the "veteran" look with mixed shields and designs, especially the ones that look as though they've been taken from dead Romans...


  4. Thanks Paul!

    I think they are going to look great. The Crusader heads with all the feathers, and the LBMS transfers, make them look rather special!

  5. I love the mix of shields - they really make the unit 'POP'. I second the comment that the mixed-in Roman shields add to the unit's appeal.

  6. Hi Allan, I suppose that some of them might even be Roman deserters.

    After the Levy, it is nice to do a unit where every man is different!

    I've just matt varnished them. In a minute I'll be after them with my basing gunk...

  7. And the shield mix would also allow this unit to represent Italian Extraordinarii Roman allies as well. The more I look at this unit the more I like it. One of my favorite of your units.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.