Tuesday 22 September 2009

King Agis

I'm currently retouching and basing Numidians and Thureophoroi, and won't have anything to show for a few days.  So I've decided to show a few more command stands, this time from my Greek and Spartan armies.

This is King Agis, who commanded the Spartans at Mantinea (418BC).  At this time Agis, who had earlier blotted his copybook, was under the supervision of ten advisors, called xymbouloi, whose consent was required for whatever military action he wished to take.  Whether Agis was incompetent, or whether the council were slow to make decisions isn't clear, but a gap opened in the centre of the Spartan line and they almost lost the battle.

Nick Speller painted these for me; I've only depicted three of the ten advisors.


  1. Ha! It does look a little as if they are. But I think that is the impression this photo gives. I like the idea and composition of your base. Might have to steal some aspects of it. :)

  2. One of the elders is holding his nose, as if Agis made a bad smell! Perhaps that is why they are amused. :-)

  3. Maybe he is allergic to red and is sneezing all the time. :)


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.