Sunday 20 September 2009

Just a few Numidians..

These are the majority of the Numidian and Carthaginian levies  I am painting for Zama.

Greg has very kindly painted 160 (!) minis (the ones on the tray), but unfortunately they took a bit of a pasting in the post and will need a little tender working care to get them into the field.  I retouched a dozen last night, though, and I think it'll be relatively quick; hopefully I should be able to finish about a dozen a night.  As well as these, I have 28 more unpainted infantry and 24 mostly unpainted cavalry.  Plenty to do...

BTW this is my 100th blog post- thanks very much to my readers!


  1. I see you bought those half-painted Numidians off eBay! Haha, I was going to bid on them!

  2. Hi Consul,

    You have keen eyesight! I took a punt; the ones that he painted are very nicely painted so it proved to be a good call. Not cheap, though... I started painting the primed ones last night.

    BTW Greg has put your Blogs on figgybloggy.

  3. Hi Chris,

    It's a listing of wargaming blogs.

    Very useful way to scan for relevant blog updates. It also builds traffic to a blog, maybe 10-20% of my visitors come from there.

    If you want your site on it, stick a note on here and I'll mail your blog's details to Greg who runs it, he adds sites regularly.

  4. I thought about bidding but knew that I wouldn't be able to paint the rest of them to that standard!

    Thanks for doing that for me BRB.

  5. I like the bits he added with greenstuff; cloaks and hats. I'll be doing that on some of mine.

  6. Hi. At you very good army is created. I with pleasure watch its creation. I now too am engaged in painting of army of the period of Punic Wars. If it you can interestingly look my figures on mine Blogs.

  7. Hi Andrey,

    Yes I've seen your site. I like the conversion you made (from a Foundry Greek, I think?).

    Cheers, Simon

  8. Yes please add me to Greg at:

    Thank you very much!I appreciate it.

  9. Hi Chris, Greg has added you.

    Cheers, Simon

  10. That's an impressive amount of Numidians. Looking forward to seeing them based.

  11. so Am I, Doc, so am I. I added another 8 unpainted minis this morning; revised total 216 minis.

  12. Oh no the damage, I have to say that is my worst nightmare, the thought of dropping a box of my figures.

    I had a really close shave one time at a local wargames club that scared me half to death. I know you will do a grand job in nursing them back to health, but I bet it came as quite a shock when you opened the package. Great painting again as ever, Secundus.

  13. Hi Secundus, is your aged PC repaired? It's been quiet without you!

    The figures are all recoverable and I'm plowing through them; I started basing the first 30 last night. It is giving me a chance to add highlights; they look pretty good after some TLC.

  14. Hello again, yes I am back. I have a new computer now and It's a good one, no more waiting an hour to get the inter-net up and going. Now I just press a button and I'm away. I've had to wait a while to get Photoshop installed and I'm still not set up for photos but all in good time. It's just good to be back in the land of lead.

  15. Try Picasa- it's free and does the job, I'm a recent convert! New PC, luvverly.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.