Tuesday 30 July 2024

Zurlauben II

Here's another WIP of Zurlauben, now with the new minis integrated and with the colours fitted. grouting tonight and off for flocking on Friday. Zurlauben was destroyed at Blenheim, where the Comte himself died, leading a cavalry command.

At a rough count I have 40 more mostly-painted battalions to finish and base, around six months work on the infantry, alone. Gulp.

Thursday 25 July 2024


Sorry for the recent lack of posts; I've been frantically basing and re-basing units for my War of the Spanish Succession, which has really cut into my time for posting. Here's a unit I'm currently working on, it's a mix of a small unit I bought and Shaun McTague's painting.  I still need to do the highlights and varnish. Front Rank 28mm.

Monday 8 July 2024

Strategic Reserve

It's been so long since my last post! Here I've been really busy, tidying up Partizan purchases, restocking stock and publishing a bunch of TtS! Medieval Army lists (which are currently on sale for a few days more).

My current obsession is the War of the Spanish Succession, and I'm putting an army together for a game at Colours in September. Below are one of three armies I'm trying to reorganise into a single collection. I bought the below minis six or more years ago, from a chap in Spain, and is the least painted of the three armies; I call it my strategic reserve. It has remained untouched in the loft since I bought it.

This weekend I opened them up and sorted them out into 5 RUBs.

There are roughly 100 painted infantry minis, really well painted, although more than half of these are grenadiers, so I might struggle to use them all, except in an imaginations setting. The one below, for example I need 2 minis, for a Foot Guards grenadier company, but I seem to have 21. :-0

In total there are getting on for 300 foot and 72 horse, dragoons and mounted generals, and quite a lot of artillery. I'll see what I can do with it.