Tuesday 19 September 2023

Italian Spearmen and all the latest TtS! News!

A chum in Sweden has very kindly printed me some components that allow me to convert the lovely Perry European mercenaries into passable Italian spearmen, armed with huge-headed langue do boeuf spears. I used arms from the light cavalry set (converted from the ones holding a bow).

Here you can see the spearmen fording the Fornovo in 1495. The spearheads are so very large, they look almost like spades! None of the spearmen are armoured; I wonder whether any had armour, but deliberately left it behind to more safely cross the swollen river?

In other news, here's a list of all the remaining tournaments I can think of.... we have a very busy Q4 ahead, positively bursting with TtS! events:
  • We still have spare tables for the annual TtS! Open tournament in Edmonton, North London, on Saturday 13th October. If you think you might like to come, please email me and I'll put you in touch with the player who had to withdraw who can sell you his ticket.
  • There is a TtS! get-together at the Games Bunker in Weston Super Mare on Saturday, 28 October 2023. This event is especially appropriate for new players, and emphasises fun over competition. You can book tickets here: https://www.thegamesbunker.co.uk/events/to-the-strongest-a-call-to-arms/
  • There is a TtS! tournament at Warfare in Farnborough on Saturday 11th November.  You can book tickets here: https://wargamesreading.co.uk/product/tts/
  • Lastly, our final event of the year, we have Two The Strongest!, our first ever doubles tournament, in Central London in November. This will be a cracking way to round the year off, not particularly competitive, all day bar, prizes and drinks afterwards. If you need a player to accompany you, we should be ale to identify one. You can buy tickets here: https://www.meetup.com/the-london-warhammer-gaming-guild/events/295928568/


  1. They were light infantrymen, the protection was provided by the helmet and large shield

  2. Those Italian spearmen look great. I've just started a similar project. Any news on the rumored TtS renaissance rules? Thanks.

  3. I'm working on Renaissance, but oh so slowly as very thinly spread.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.