Wednesday 22 February 2023

Salute Phalanx IV; the Silver Shields

Here is a work-in-progress shot of the new phalanx. These are two thirds of the silver shields that will constitute the two right hand units of the ten unit "Great Phalanx." I finished the rear rank elements earlier, and this week got the middle ranks mostly based- they just need their bases dry brushing and flocking by chum Ian. I've just started work on highlighting and basing the 48 front rankers (painted by Shaun McTague last year)- they are perhaps a week away from basing. In terms of the project as a whole, the last of the required minis being painted this week. I'm:
  • 55% done with finishing/basing the rear ranks
  • 95% done with finishing/basing the middle ranks
  • 0% done with finishing/basing the front ranks

So almost half way. However, I expect the lowered pikes of the front ranks to be particularly challenging to base. Still, though, I should be just about OK to get them all finished in time.

In other news, I'm finalising the next release of the TtS! Medieval Army List eBook- due out on the 28th. There will be two new lists and some more background material. One of the new lists will cover the peasants for the German Peasants' War- I've been hugely enjoying the Helion on the Swabian Wars and am struggling to resist ordering the pretty new Steel Fist minis. :-)


  1. I'm almost certainly not going to be able to make it to Salute, which is going to be a bummer in so many ways but especially missing your game Simon.

    The Silver Shields look splendid!

    And, it would be remiss of me if I were not to say, "Now that is what I call a pike phalanx/block!"

  2. Looking good, can I ask why you chose Foundry minis over say Aventine?



  3. Hi Mark,

    Foundry and Aventine are both great ranges- but I started the phalanx before Aventine were around. Also the Foundry fit on a 15mm frontage and I think I'd have to turn the Aventines on an angle to achieve that.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.