Tuesday 27 April 2021

Plastic boxes

Last night I accidently knocked over a tray of round metal shields and they rolled all around the dining room floor. I was making coffee, and my wife very kindly volunteered to help pick them up, asking where she should put them. I said “Please put them on top of one of the plastic boxes.” 

When I came back in the room, I found them on the table, instead. I asked her why she’d not put them on one of the boxes; she said “I couldn’t see any plastic boxes.”

That’s why I love my wife. 😊


  1. Lucky you. Mine are all hidden away

  2. Very impressive. Mind you i'm concerned I don't see stickers with my name on the boxes with Romans in them. How else will your better half know who to send them too should you die suddenly? We did agree this....

  3. Perhaps she is need of cataract surgery? :-)

  4. There probably needs to be some sort of rule that when the boxes come up to the level of the paintings, then the excess need decanting into other storage...

    At the moment, with lockdown, working from home, the shed leaking, my dining room is looking not too dissimilar, 27 RUB, a Sicilian/Spanish village project on the table, 5 chain of command platoons, and an increasing number fo 3d prints in various stages of curing and preparation.

    She's very understanding. Hopefully the shed will get replaced soon.

  5. ...hopefully I'll have more storage space after the end of May, when the cellar is finally finished.

    1. Hmm.. a cellar you say? I wonder what lies underneath me, though I suspect a cellar here would be as damp and mouldy as the leaky shed...

  6. That mountain of RUBS is really impressive.

    I love your painted stuff but more photos of your boxes, please.

  7. That's only around 30% of the RUBS, by volume.

  8. Brilliant! That made my day. She's clearly a keeper mate.

  9. Simon, your Current Wife is obviously made of strong stuff. I'm impressed she didn't tuck into the stuff in the wine holder!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.