Sunday 20 December 2020

Switzers XI- Schweiz and Glarus

The project has slowed, slightly, in the face of the Tyranny that is Christmas Preparation. I've managed though, to finish 24 minis for a second Schweiz contingent, and 15 for a new Glarus contingent. Both are mainly in red, but Glarus have black and white accents. Many were painted by Shaun, but needed some overpainting as I didn't originally specify the correct colours- I've learned more about the Swiss as I go along with the project. I'm not going to base these, yet, because I want to incorporate some other minis from Shaun that aren't in cantonal colours, to mix things up a bit.

Here's the plan I'm working from. The green-highlighted units are finished, the blue-highlighted are under way. The cantons are arranged very roughly in order of becoming independent, with the original Waldstätte ("forest") cantons in the first keil (1&2).


  1. I really admire your determination in creating so beautiful Swiss squares.
    But, I wonder: how many tts units will one keil represent?
    Because, I mean, shouldn’t be necessary to own a bazillion minis to play Swiss with your rules...

  2. Slowed by your standards, but still excellent progress for we mere mortals!
    Brilliant stuff.
    Regards, James

  3. Oh it's certainly not necessary to have this many Swiss- I just do it because I can. :-)

  4. PS I've fought Swiss armies with around 180 minis, on a 15cm grid.

  5. So far it looks amazing! I love your preparation list, that's the professional job! Outstanding!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.