Thursday 7 May 2020

Knights of Terra Firma II

Here's my second unit of Venetian knights. These are a repaint, re-base and  and expansion of an earlier unit (below); they look all the better for it. They were too drab, before. There's a WIP shot, here.  On the painting tray, I have the figures required to add a second rank- I'll be using units of 18 knights and cousilliers on a 20cm grid. I find myself drifting towards modelling the battle of Fornovo.

In other news, I'm recruiting players for an online TtS! tournament, called Midsummer Madness, starting next week. If you'd like to join in, please drop me an email at the address above and to the left. It'll be a blast!


  1. Thanks chaps. Lots more to come!

  2. They looks superb mate. Much better for the extra effort! Would I be correct in thinking that chap on the left has a set of Roman feathers on his helmet?

  3. Very nice. But real Venetians went to sea!

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  5. Awesome. I can almost feel them thundering out of my computer screen!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.