Saturday, 21 March 2020

First Burgundians

Here's a modest beginning to my new Burgundian army. It's a vintage Citadel gun with two Perry and two vintage Citadel Brettonian crewmen that I must have owned for at least 20 years. Hopefully it'll do sterling work against the feared Swiss pike blocks! Most unusually, I painted these myself.


  1. Lovely work mate! The old Citadel stuff really stands up even after so long since the were first sculpted. I have plans to hijack a few Empire crew for my own Burgundian artillery as well.

  2. Ta Millsy- it's super to get near-forgotten old minis, painted at last.

  3. Inspired work, splendid vignette!

  4. Nice addition to the collection!

  5. Lovely looking gun and crew, no matter what their age!
    Best Iain

  6. Great effort Phil, you will need more artillery though, those Swiss take some stopping.In my Burgundian army I used to have a lot of organ guns courtesy of Hinchliffe which are lovely models, they were implemented with figures from the Foundry/ Citidal ranges which are still amongst the best for the Burgundian army.

  7. Thanks chaps. Before Christmas I bought 2 of said Hinchliffe organ guns; they are really nice!

  8. The Burgundians are an interesting army; on paper they combined the best of many worlds, but in the field the combination just didn't wind up working as planned. Of course, they also faced the Swiss at peak of their fearsomneess!

  9. H Peter, I really like mostly mounted armies- I'll need to give some thought as to how to operate an army including pedestrians. :-) More to post this week.

  10. Beautiful work as always Simon. Your renaissance collection is looking very good indeed.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.