Wednesday 4 January 2017

Even more scruffy Numidians

Here are the next bunch of Numidian medium infantry that I'm currently re-basing and expanding. They will also serve as African spearmen in my projected Carthaginian army. Many were speed-painted by mate Greg Privat for our big Zama game of 2010, others recently painted, to match, by Shaun McTague and myself. They now constitute six units of 22 minis each that can double up to form deep units. Each unit splits in two along the centre, which makes it easy to depict disorder.

They will first see action on 31st March to 2nd April at the Ancients Wargames Holiday Centre weekend in Basingstoke- we still have 2 places left - if interested, please mail me for details at the address on the left.

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Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.