Wednesday 5 November 2014

Wargames Bloggers Quarterly Issue 2 available for download!

I'm very pleased to announce that the second edition of Wargames Bloggers Quarterly is now ready for download, from this link here

For those who didn't see Issue 1, the Wargame Bloggers Quarterly (WBQ) is a FREE community driven electronic magazine (PDF e-Zine) composed of the best wargames and miniature painting content from the collective blogosphere.

I've not had time to contribute to this edition, on account of the fact I am in the final stages of editing my rules, but I have been able to quickly look through it and it is quite spiffing!  I currently have a bottle of Gavi di Gavi chilling in the fridge ready for Legatus' Poulet Marengo recipe...

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Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.