Wednesday 9 April 2014

The "Vesta"

Here's a snap of my swan-necked trade ship, the "Vesta", and one of the four "landing barges" I've painted for the Salute game.  She is a big girl!  These are just quick snaps on my camera phone, I'll take proper pics, later on.

The model was laboriously converted from a plastic kogge.  I'm delighted with the railings; which the chaps at 4Ground very kindly produced as a special order.   

Do come and see the "Vesta", and the rest of the Roman navy (plus me in my new Bigredbat t-shirt, and the fine chaps at WS&S) at Salute on Saturday; stand GE02, just to the left as you come in the entrance.

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Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.