Monday, 21 October 2013

Celtic gridlock

The painting tray is absolutely groaning with British chariots, and that pesky final unit of Numidians.

The chariot ponies are Newline (foreground), Foundry and Black Tree (right, black/dark brown) and Relic (rear right, white). They are all finished and on their bases.

Above are some of the chariot drivers.  These were converted from Wargames Factory plastics by me, and painted by mate Nick, who also painted the riders in the top photo.  It strikes me that these WF driver figures, with the right head-swaps, would make great rowers for a Roman liburnian.  Hmmm...


  1. Nice painting, the horses look great!

  2. Thanks Ray. I used the chart in the earlier post, and these are some of my best horses, I reckon.

  3. Good conversion idea there, Simon!

  4. They look great Simon. I have a friend who is obsessed with converting plastics at the moment...I warn you once started it a slippery slope of no return hahaha
    I'm always telling him that their beginning to look uniformly different....he's going to take a swipe at me soon I think :-)

  5. Thanks chaps! Tarty, I like plastics, I expect I'll use more and more as the designs improve and new ranges come out. And conversion is great fun!

  6. The chariots are coming along well!

    The potential conversions for oarsmen are fascinating. Maybe a bit too much on the clothing side, but quite workable.

  7. Hi El Greco. I think they would pass; not as mediterranean oarsmen, but as auxiliaires of Celtic, German or British origin. Just right for the Channel, Rhine or Danube.

  8. Chap can't have too many chariots.

  9. Very nice work there Simon. Is it just me or do those chariot drivers remind anyone else of the Beatles?

  10. Great progress on these and the conversion opportunities of plastics seem to be endless. Cheers, Ross

  11. That is a whole lotta chariots! All great but I do especially love your Celts.

  12. Thanks chaps! There will be a lot more by the time I've finished, I hope...

  13. Great paintwork and good conversions!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.