Monday, 16 September 2013

Does anyone know who makes this resin fort, please?

I bought this off a mate and want to buy some more bits to expand it.  It's 25mm or 28mm scale, I believe; that's a 28mm figure in the gateway.  The sections are 12cm wide, which suggests they are built to take DBx elements...


  1. It may look similiar to Grand Manner but fairly sure its not. I have the grand manner one and the gateway (shown) is different as its banked earth bit extends outwards as well.No idea who makes that one.

  2. Thanks all- it turns out to have come from PMC games, and I should be able to buy some matching pieces.

  3. There is a nice terrain "how to" article linked here. Very informative.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.