Wednesday 26 September 2012

Cohors Hedlium

The official name of this cohort is Coh. I Cannefatium, but they will operate under the name of their prefect, Hedlius (I bought most of the minis, painted, from Legatus Hedlius).  They will be brigaded alongside my Batavians, who they joined in the 69AD revolt.

I finished them just before Partizan but this has been my first chance to take photos.  They are mostly Foundry Salehs with a slight admixture of Black Tree for variety.  In general I'm going to use Salehs for all my German and British-origin cohorts, and Black Trees for Danubian and other cohorts.


  1. Another lovely unit. Saleh? I´ve looked that word up..but only found stuff about an Arabic prophet?

  2. Hi Paul, thanks!

    Steve Saleh was one of the Foundry sculptors, and sculpted a small range of Romans for them that I love, and also many of the minis for their classic World of the Greeks range. Now working with Warlord, I believe. I am (with the odd exception) a big Saleh fan.


  3. Aha!!! I thought it might have been a word for a type of roman recruit from the middle east...why?..I don´t know. I´ll kick myself :-D

  4. I love your splendid new basing for them! They have never looked so good.

    By the way, in their only wargames outing they fought valiantly in a Battle of the Medway game we ran at Fishbourne Roman Palace a few years ago. The Roman legionaries fled but these chaps put up a good account of themselves!

    I'd just come out of hospital having had a suspected heart attack (which I hadn't - it eventually turned out I was allergic to coffee!) and had to keep leaping outside to take my blood pressure!

  5. How cool is that- wargaming at Fishbourne! What a splendid idea. The game looks great.

    Sorry to hear you were unwell. A coffee allergy sounds deadly to me, I do love to drink it by the bucket-full.

    I am itching to get around to the legionaries, know exactly what I want to do with them, which is to start another legion...

    Cheers, Simon

  6. It was a nice, positive write-up for wargaming too. Although I did do a bit of a job on the lovely lady reporter they sent!

    I'm actually going to have a look at my EIR Roman unit now and see what state they are in (other than dusty).


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.