Tuesday 28 August 2012

Mustering for Partizan

Four nights to go; every required Roman (or auxiliary volunteer) is now on a base, and half of the bases are painted.  I do hate flocking, though, and am not looking forward to the 4 nights of intensive flocking activity ahead of me.  Flocking hell!  :-( 

At Partizan on Sunday, the Ad Castores game will be right in the middle of the main hall.  We'll be using Dr Phil Hendry's Augustus to Aurelian rules- if you are attending, and fancy trying them yourself, please post a comment or drop me a line and we should be able to fit you in.


  1. Basing hell. Just remember that when they're done they will gorgeous and you will have them for ever after!

  2. I'll hold onto that thought, Paul! That, and my flocking tweezers.


  3. You'll be right next door to our HUGE Battle of Catraeth game, then!! That's handy! :-)

    See you on Sunday...

  4. Hi Andy, yes I saw on the floorplan. You on one side, League of Augsberg at the end: bloody surrounded! ;-)

    Looking forward to meeting.

    Cheers, Simon

  5. Simon take plenty of pics if you can would really like to see that lot on the table!

  6. I'll avoid any more flocking puns, all that basing does remind one of some Olympian retribution inflicted on a poor mortal.
    Best of luck HGA.

  7. Heard Dr Phil on Meeples and Miniatures today. Reminded me you were on at Partizan this weekend. Sad I can't be there but Berkeley calls.


  8. Hi Richard, we shall pass like ships in the night!

    Am currently listening to the Podcast, was surprised and pleased to hear my name pop up! I hope Berkeley is great, I do miss the crowd there.

    Cheers, Simon

  9. Ah, nothing like a muster! Shall look forward to seeing a few pics. Augustus to Aurelian has a nice ring to it...

  10. Nice to see my former chaps in there ready for the big battle!

  11. Yes I was delighted to get them based, they look great. I'm going to get to work on your legionaries before too long, too, I just bought transfers for the job; they'll look spiffing!

    Cheers, Simon


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.