Saturday 19 November 2011

Fabius Valens

This command stand depicts Fabius Valens, one of the short-lived Emperor Vitellius' two principal sub-commanders (the other being Aulus Caecina Alienus).

Fabius Valens declared for Vitellius in 69 AD, and led the contingent of the latter's army that marched through Gaul, eventually rejoining with the German contingent under Caecina, to win the battle of Bedriacum.  Valens missed the subsequent Vitellian defeat at Cremona, due to illness, and was later captured and executed whilst trying to open a "second front" in Gaul. 

The best place to read about this campaign, which I believe is one of theancient campaigns most suitable for wargaming, is Tacitus Histories (which can be downloaded for free on Amazon. I have it on my tablet phone, for reading on the Tube!).

The general figure is one of Aventine's lovely models- they do no less than six different mounted Roman generals!  The standard bearer is by Mike of Relic Miniatures, but I used a Foundry horse with it, as I wanted a horse in a standing position.  Very conveniently, the vexilla is that of the V Alaudae, which formed part of Valens' army.  I'm pleased to have managed to paint something by each of Relic and Aventine, as I don't get enough of their stuff finished.

This is the first of a small series, in which I plan to depict several more of the major protagonists in the "Year of the Four Emperors", for a campaign I hope to run next year. 


  1. Hi Simon, looking great. The vexillum is especially effective. Keep up the good work!


  2. Thanks Paul, will do! Plans for lots more Romans, to come...

  3. Looks great Simon really like these command bases!

  4. Excellent comand figures. The great thing about the Year of the Four Emperors is that both sides get to be the Romans!

  5. Hi Cyrus, yes isn't it brilliant? Half of the GERMANS are Romans, too. :-)


  6. Very nice command stands. I particularly like the touch of having Valens' name inscribed on the base. Well done.


  7. Blimey, I've just read that Valens was in his 40's in 69AD, will eed to revisit this piece! Paradoxically, I was going to represent Caecina with a miniature suitable as a 40 year old, and he turns out to have been around 25 years old. :-\


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.