Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Big Men

Here are some of the command figures from my recently completed XIIIIth Gemina Martia Victrix legion; the Aquilifer, Primus Pilus Centurion and Imagifer.

The Aquilfer (below) carries the legion's Aquila, or eagle.  He is a heavily converted Aventine figure (some of the Aventine Republican figures are very suitable for later periods); the eagle is Foundry and I added the mane on the lionskin, not bad, eh?

The Primus Pilus Centurion (or first spear centurion, for "Rome" fans), below, is an unconverted Gorgon Studios figure by Steve Saleh, one of his nicest, I think.  He has featured here before, but this is a marginally better photo than my last effort.

And finally, the Imagifer (below) carries the image of the reigning Emperor; in this case, Nero.  Another Aventine conversion with a Foundry Imago kindly donated by Mr Allen Curtis.

I've still got to finish the mounted legate and tribunes, and have various lictors and other supernumaries to paint.  But first I need to finish the effing French on my other blog... they really are doing my head in.

Tomorrow, I'll post a pic of the legionary cavalry....


  1. Some nice paint work Simon.

  2. All very nicely done; I do like that Imagifer's marching pose though. Regards, Dean

  3. Nice work! My Legions are still looking for an Eagle. Will keep those companies in mind!

  4. Hi Dean, he's really nice. Adam turned out a couple of great command packs, with some lovely minis, and I've painted all too few so far.

    I have had the idea to do a marching group with standards and so forth to go at the head of a column. Whether I'll ever get there...

  5. These command figs are great, very good conversions, well done.

  6. Hi! Thank you! figures are excellent.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.