Saturday 22 January 2011

Equites Singulares Praetoriae Command

This week, I've finished the command stand for my Praetorian cavalry.  All pics are clickable.

The riders are BlackTree, shields trimmed down from Warlord Games, horses A&A, and transfers VVV.  I'd like to thank Steve from the WAB Forum for sending me the Wargames Factory standard (I'm not 100% sure it is historic, but it looks great!).  Allan Curtis is sending me an imago, which I'm going to use with another, cavalry Ala that I intend to start in a month or so.  A full cavalry Ala in 1:20 would have 24 figures and would look very fine, indeed, on the table.

The A&A horses, which I think were sculpted by Adam (now of Aventine) are superb.

Here are all the Praetorian cavalry, deployed together; a fine sight!  I'm very enthused with the Black Tree cavalry riders and have ordered an awful lot more of them.


  1. Excellent unit, as always! Dean

  2. Very nice. Among the ancients it´s the romans that really get my vote and the praetoriansget it twice.

  3. Thanks chaps, I'm very pleased with how they came out!

  4. Nice,nice and I'll echo the comment on liking the shields.


  5. Nice work. The shields really set them off.

  6. Pretty badass. And they got those shiny decorated Weiler (Gallic Imeperial) helmets I blogged about last week. :)

  7. The shields were dead easy; VVV transfers on a dark blue ground, overpainted with a lighter blue. Only thing that was challenging, was fitting them around the larger shield boss; I had to cut them up to fit.

    Hi Gabriele, that style of helmet is just beautiful! really easy to paint, too. I love the batavian helmet with the feathers. I've thought about whether I could sculpt those feathers on a 28mm Miniature...

  8. Lovely stuff! Warlord games are bringing out a nice mounted general (Maximus from Gladiator), I think it's a must for any Roman collector.

  9. Wotcher Secundus, I fear that will be too snall for me. Anyhow, I have a huuuge not Maximus from Jim Bowen; I think of it as the "Maximus who ate all the pies!".


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.