Friday, 19 November 2010

And now, both together; a 1:1 Quingenary Cohort

Long ago it occurred to me that 2 x 240 man 1:20 "legions", added together, would give me the same number of figures (480) as in a maximum strength quingenary Roman cohort.

I don't think we know, for sure, how many ranks this would have formed up in; presumably 4, 6 or 8.  These are draw up 8 deep.  The photo does give some impression as to how much space a cohort must have taken up on the battlefield, and how imposing it must have looked to a tribesman from the backwoods!

Now if I just had another 4,320 miniatures...  oddly, I could just about fit an entire 1:1 legion on my table, as the legion would be around 4 metres wide (assuming that there were decent intervals between the cohorts).  There's a thought... 


  1. Most impressive.

    You just need 1000+ Gauls for it to fight!

  2. Thanks. I hate painting celts, they are so scruffy and such hard work! Give me a Roman, any day.

  3. Now that is what I call a unit !

    You might need more than 1000 Gauls ! They should be quick to paint though... half of them can be covered in blood red and left lying prone - so you don't need to paint their back, or their front if they're lying face down :)

    Superb blog btw, thanks for sharing. I'll be back (I'm researching the next next war game I'm going to delve into - I'm tempted by WWII but Ancients are definitely in the frame).

    Keep sharing these inspirational pics.

    my Gallery
    my Battle Reports
    my WFB blog

  4. Nice!

    I wonder if you could get a photo of an entire legion using a wide-angled shot of your terrain board and liberal application of cut-and-paste in photoshop to add all the needed cohorts...

  5. Is that all?Where's the rest..

    Seriously though that's one impressive collection of troops!Congratulations!


  6. Wow! Looks fantastic. Seeing a Cohort 1:1 is great and it would be amazing to see an entire Legion!

    Do you have an opponent who could field a force big enough to take on your Cohort?

  7. Thanks chaps!

    No I don't have a suitable opponent for these. I have around half as many Celts, and half as many Numidians. But I am thinking more in Civil War terms so this doesn't matter too much.

    I may end up with around 720 Caesarian legionaries but don't expect to go much further (except that I want to raise perhaps 500 EIRS).

    I like the photoshopping idea...


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.