Sunday, 10 January 2010

Converting catholics?

Last year I posted an image of my celtic army , and I've been puzzled to observe a small but regular number of visitors to the page, coming via Google Images France.

Yesterday it dawned on me that they've been coming via the image searchwords "celtic" and "masse".  The original post was entitled "Celtic Army En Masse"; a celtic mass is apparently a particular form of the religious rite.

Many have gone on to click the image, and even to visit other pages of the site. I find myself wondering whether I've inadvertently lured any French catholics into the world of gaming...


  1. Let's hope you have Simon, we're a broad Church after all. :)

  2. It's a strange Google-world, these days...

  3. Good luck. Maybe, a few years in the future, you will come across a blog of French Catholics who, it will state, started their gaming group a few years prior when several of them stumbled upon a wargaming site...

    Back in November I posted an entry in which I discussed the 30th anniversary of the movie Alien, which I was watching while suffering from the flu. I titled the entry "Alien Flu." I have a certain percentage of visitors to my site who have got there by searching Google for "alien flu." I imagine toy soldiers is just as big a surprise. :D

  4. LoL, Z23! One clearly needs to watch thread and image titles...

  5. Hey this would be grand. You know the pope played with miniatures when he had his crusade. "OK, I move the Hospitalers here"

    I wonder if didn't sit Saladin opposite the table?

  6. Hi BRC,
    Very interesting. Indeed, we are the sons of Asterix.
    I never used these stats on my own blog. Can you tell me how do you to get it ?

  7. Hi Timur,

    This site is great, and free:-

    "recent came from" is the feature that shows how visitors are finding your site; it's often very interesting.

    Cheers, Simon

  8. There a possibly other explication. "La levée en masse" is a french miniatures show wich take places in june.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.