Wednesday 16 December 2009

Persian Cavalryman Green

I had a nice chat with Barry from TimeLine this morning.  Barry showed me a green that he is working on (above), depicting a Persian Heavy Cavalryman (in bigger 28mm; roughly Foundry size).  I think it looks rather spiffing, especially the sculpting of the horse and the scale armour.  I want to try making some scale myself, now.

He also gave me some advice on a couple of greens I've been working on; once I've rebuilt them, I'll post a picture.


  1. What do you use for sculpting the greens?

  2. Hi ACG, do you mean what tools?

    I picked up a selection of tools around 5 years ago; they are two-headed stainless steel items, with a range of differently shaped heads. I gather that a lot of proper sculptors make their own tools from all sorts of odds and ends. Rubber "clay shapers" are also really useful for smooth things like cloaks.

  3. Yes the tools and the type of material for the 'greens'. Is it 'green stuff'? Some kind of sculpting clay? Just curious!

  4. Hi ACG, it's a 2 part epoxy material; mix the yellow and blue and you get a green material, that slowly hardens to the consistency of plastic.

    You should buy some; I use it all the time for filling, basing and suchlike.

  5. Hi it's called Greenstuff; I buy mine in big rolls from Antenociti:-


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.