Saturday 22 August 2009

Aventines sorted!

I'm back from hols and managed to do the finishing touches on the Aventine Etruscans, which is just as well as another 40 or so just arrived!

I'm really pleased with them. You can see I'm going with a horse theme on this legion.

They actually look better from behind, where you can see the detail on the armour. Pics are clickable.

Shortly I'm going to start a unit of Aventine Principes. I'm particularly pleased with these latter, because Keith and Adam apparently designed them after I suggested that I'd need some for my Allied legion. They are tidy little minis, in animated attacking poses, and should be a relatively straightforward paint.


  1. Very nice indeed. Well done, just 4 more heavy infantry and 4 light to go.


  2. Tasty. Fine painting and I really like your basing. You've beaten me to the punch with these - or led the way, as the case may be - as I have an army (i.e. enough for a 500 point Impetus army) of these figures as well.


  3. Just the 96 more minis to go, then Keith. Gulp :-{

    Thanks Keir, I'm glad I went with a slightly deeper base; helps to show the minis off.

  4. Very nice. One day I should start using shield transferts...

  5. You paint a pretty good design freehand, Greg. I'm not quite so artistic.

    They are really good for such fine work as the horses.

  6. Yes indeed,this collection looks to be really coming along nicely.I'm looking forward to the rest.

  7. Thanks Christopher. There are still a daunting number of little lead men to paint, though!


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.