Thursday, 23 April 2009

17th Caesarian Cohort

This is my 17th Caesarian Cohort. I bought 20 of the figures on Ebay from "Pool of Paint" who also kindly supplied the transfers I needed to finish the unit, and painted 7 more myself, to match. I'm really pleased with the overall effect; these are my first Caesarians to have shield transfers.

Because they have unfeasibly expensive imported blue paint on their shields, I shall consider them to be one of the Praetorian Cohorts that served in the Civil War that occured after the death of Caesar.


  1. Sweet. Really like the jobs on the faces. Beautiful, if that's allowed to be said!

  2. Thanks very much; most of credit can go to Pool of Paint. I try to paint "stubble" on around half the faces I do. PoP does this too, and paints plue eyes; I tend to go for a simple white dot, on a dark background.

  3. Nice work. They will look great amongst your other cohorts, or guarding an important commander.

  4. Thank Secundus; yes, now I really need to do an Octavian, Mark Antony or perhaps Crassus.

    I've bought 3 or 4 more Cohorts on eBay, that all need finishing...

  5. These are nice! I've had my eye on Copplestone's Caesarians for a while (among many, many other minis). Just last night I was struck with the urge to buy some. I checked eBay, but there are no deals to be had there yet.

    I like the shield blazons - from the reliefs on Arc' d'Orange. Very appropriate to the time.


Thanks for commenting. I will post this as soon as I am able to review it.