Teres, King of Odrysia is waiting for his army of Thracian tribesment to muster... his mate Acarnas says he should have a couple of bevvies and chill out a bit.
Teres marks a new low for me. I suffer from a terrible lack of focus, and often will buy or paint a unit from an army that is no use whatsoever on its own. This, however, is the first time that I've painted a general who has no troops to command. I do want to raise a small Thracian army, but it is quite a way down my list.
I painted Teres on the left, but bought the extremely nicely painted Acarnas on the right, on eBay- I can't recall who from, if you painted him, please drop me a line!
Don't worry at least you have a general...from tiny acorns mighty oaks grow remember. I'm sure with all those lovely new successers on their way you'll get motivated to give him at least a warband or two.
Hello again, I've just visited the F|oundry web site and seen something you may like. It's for their new Gaul range. Its a chieftain sitting on a shield being carried by four warriors, It would be a nice finishing touch for your massive Gallic army. Just a thought.
It might be worth paying the Foundry prices this one time.
Hi Secundus, yes I spotted them, too. If they weren't so d****d expensive I'd want some of them... but they are far too dear for me at the moment. I don't see how they can stay in business at those rates.
You are right about the guy on the shields; I also like the druid and female civilians.
My next Gallic project is going to be the laager but I've got distracted by the Galatians...
How's the ECW? Ar eyou coming to Salute? I'll be there with my Gloarmy mate from France.
Very nice painting, Simon!
Thanks, Siaba.
I hopefully will make it too Salute this year, after missing it last year. I always end up spending money on figures I will never paint but after travelling all that way, I have to buy something. Are you going to be gaming this year? ( I think I saw your big red bat in a game there once). I think I know what you look like from your gaming photos on the other site, so I might even reconize you in the crowd.
BTW I see what you mean about those Renegade horses......vast indeed!
He ll be helping me on my Demo, Innsmouth.
on my blog, in that post :
you have a map showing where BRB will be if not at the bring and buy.
You re welcome to have a game with us, rules can be downloaded there :
Hi Secundus,
Yes I will be at Greg's (spectacular) game much of the time. I'll wear a badge with BIGREDBAT on it; do look me up! I will have 2 of smaller Bats with me.
I'd like to think I'll lay on a game at Salute, next year.
The Renegade ECW horses are big, but do work (although there aren't many poses IIRC?)
I'll be there. I'm sure you'll still recognise me without any historical headgear on.
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